Well its a new year and I find myself to be pretty excited yet nervous for the events to come. I wanted to start this post with listing major things that happened in 2010:
January: got pregnant
February: took out my endowments in the Jordan River Temple and had a great experience
March: devastated by loss of baby. Although this was one of the toughest things myself and Kenyon had ever been through, we learned a lot and grew closer as a couple. At first I couldn't see it but blessings did come from the loss.
May: began working in Ketchikan, AK. (an experience and blogpost all in itself); also celebrated our 1 year anniversary with Kenyon!
June: finally hit my 20's!
September: got pregnant!
October: returned to Utah and visited AZ; Baby Petersen got its due date! May 10th 2011
November: traveled the country to visit my family. Kenyon and I became even closer during this time because we talked about anything and everything on the long drive!
December: found out Baby Petersen is a boy and has a 100% clean bill of health, moved into our new apartment, and celebrated Christmas with Kenyon's family for the 1st time since we've been together
We've had a pretty busy year filled with ups and downs but overall it was an amazing learning experience. Kenyon and I grew as a couple and I think are making steps towards being ready for our little man to come in May. There were times throughout the year when I couldn't see the blessings in my life but looking back there were many. God does things on his time and in his way which may not be the most convinient for us at the time but He knows that in the long run it is the best.
I'm looking forward to 2011. This year I'll have Baby Petersen, celebrate 2 years of marriage to my best friend and turn 21. I'm ready to take on motherhood and hopefully succeed! I know there will be challenges with what comes this year but with the Lord's help and that of Kenyon and my family, I'll get through them. Thanks for all those who have read my blog and stayed interested! Happy New Year to all!
Stay tuned for my next post that will hopefully include a bumpy bump and ultrasound pic!
Monkeys Rule
8 years ago
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