June 20th Berick turned 2 months old! He's getting so big! I posted a bunch of pics on facebook and will put 1 on here but if you want to see the rest just go to facebook :) At any rate, Berick is learning and doing something new every week it seems! He's finally on a schedule and is sleeping pretty much through the night! He smiles ALL the time now and I LOVE IT! I'm very biased but I think he's got the cutest smile in the world! Every time he smiles at me it validates the reasons I became a parent :) At 2 months Berick weighs a little over 10 lbs and is 22.5 inches long! He's skinny everywhere except for his THUNDER THIGHS! I love 'em! He loves smiling, eating, being cool (temp. wise) and having a good poop! He dislikes super cold things, not getting fed when he wants it, being bored, and having his diaper changed! I'm still very much in love with him and can't wait to see what the next months hold for him :)